Our History

Our History

We are a group of individuals who while churning out the pages of our lives have one thing in common: ‘AFCS Ibadan’.

We are best suitably described as ex-students of Air-Force Comprehensive School, Iyana-offa, who have firmly resolved to come together as one to cooperate and fraternize on a non-partisan platform.

“Old Student/Alumni” means the following only:

a) All graduates of Air-Force Comprehensive School, Iyana-offa.

b) All persons that have studied at Air-Force Comprehensive School, Iyana-offa for a minimum of two (2) academic sessions; and

c) Such associate/honorary member as may be conferred by the Congress.


Our Logo

The official Alumni Logo is displayed below:

The Logo was coined from the official school Logo with the major difference being the depiction of the official Alumni Mascot bird “Phoenix” and also the lettering is boldly written diagonally across the badge. The slogan “Perseverance breeds success” was retained because it is viewed as a reminder required throughout the course of our life cycle.

The choice of the Phoenix Bird as opposed to the eagle depicted in the official school badge was borne by the mythology surrounding the ancient bird found in History. The bird symbolizes rebirth, which depicts our situation after we have left our Alma Matta.


How It Started

The Alumni started to take shape in 2008 when a group of friends decided to plan a gathering that cut across different classes of students, the gathering was a success and could officially be referred to as the first reunion comprising all graduating sets.

The introduction of AFCS Forum on Facebook by Taiwo Lawal of the 92/96 set created a medium, which aided the dissemination of vital information to ex-students and activities have been coordinated mainly through this forum.

The clamor for a more official forum has led to the creation of a website dedicated strictly to Alumni Activities.

The official school Alumni Executives were voted in at the 2011 Annual General Meeting of ex-students held at the Nite Shift Coliseum in Opebi. The Alumni has been duly registered under the CAC act as a corporate, non-political entity.


Objectives of Alumni:

The Alumni objectives are iterated as follows:

– To promote and encourage a close relationship between the school and Association and provide assistance to students and members when necessary;

– To encourage good fellowship among members and to enhance the welfare, standard, and good name of the school and Association through self-enrichment, career development and role modeling in the wider society;

– To raise financial and material resources for efficient and effective teaching and learning as well as the general well-being of students and staff at AFCS, Iyana-offa;

– To enhance and maintain links among members of the alumni and between old students and AFCS, Iyana-offa;

– To assist needy AFCS, Iyana-offa students by contributing to their academic requirements such as book allowances and financial contributions;

– To provide support to AFCS, Iyana-offa’s Library by donating and/or assisting the library to obtain access to documentary resources;

– To provide incentives such as rewards and prizes to the best students and best alumni models with a proven record of significant contributions to society.

– To provide advice on the improvement of AFCS, Iyana-offa’s curricula and programs;

– To devise ways and means of raising funds for the Association and AFCS, Iyana-offa;

– To encourage old students to develop their respective careers;

– To initiate seminars, lectures and other academic functions for the benefit of AFCS, Iyana-offa;

– To create and support projects deemed necessary at AFCS, Iyana-offa; and

– To enhance the image of AFCS, Iyana-offa.


Code of Conduct

Every Alumni is expected to be civil in their dealings with and within the Alumni, act responsibly and abide by the bylaws of the association in order to be officially recognized as an Alumnus.

All acts perpetuated individually or collectively that can have a negative impact on a member or group of people within the Alumni shall not be condoned and this will lead to the termination of the perpetuator’s alumni status from the alumni body.